The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) set up to investigate the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) will carry out investigative visits this Friday, August 11, to the Ouricuri settlements I, II and III, in the municipality of Atalaia (state of Alagoas).
Members of the movement are prepared to show deputies the achievements of the struggle for land in the region. "Our expectation is to present and discuss with the deputies the role played by the agrarian reform for the development of the countryside, especially in the state of Alagoas", stated Débora Nunes, coordinator of the movement in the state, looking forward to the visit. The militant also criticized the objective of the CPI. "From the point of view of the object, of the CPI's motivation, it was born dead already. it was born with a predetermined report", she stated.
The inspection request was made by Bolsonarist Deputy Delegate Fábio Costa (Progressive Party – state of Alagoas), with the aim of supervising the bachelor's degree course in agroecology at the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal). The course is offered by the National Program for Education in Agrarian Reform (Pronera). The deputy says he has received complaints against the settlements.
"A face-to-face visit by the members of the Commission will allow them to assess the place of operation, the existence of accommodation, whether the courses operate in their own property or rented property and, in case the operations occur in rented property, the deputies will be able to collect the relevant information", says the request.
Brasil de Fato news team visited the settlements that will receive this Friday's inspection. The site is a reference for the distribution of knowledge in agriculture to rural workers. "When I go to the university, I have a responsibility to my community. Any knowledge I acquire, I share with them," explained graduate student Maria do Bosque.
The first higher education course in agroecology carried out by Pronera was inaugurated in 2018 by the partnership between the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra) and Ufal, based on the demand of rural social movements. It is an important chapter in the fight for rural education and for agrarian reform in the state of Alagoas.
"For us, it is a very big surprise to know that Pronera will be investigated. Because, while Pronera's budget was cut, deputies are concerned if there is any irregularity in the site where the first group of students is being received, Pronera's budget was not budgeted this year, nor in previous years. What deputies should really be concerned about is the budget to insert more workers in universities," said graduate student Margarida da Silva, who is also on the state direction of the MST.